A little earlier today, we issued our April 2023 e-newsletter R. F. Meyer & Associates. If you did not receive a copy by email, please click on the link below to open a PDF version from our website.

There is a theme to all three articles in this month’s edition: Caring for aging loved ones.

This is an important topic that many friends and clients deal with now, or will deal with in the future. Our April 2023 articles discuss:

  • Aging care: 6 tips for caring for elderly parents: You may worry about your older loved ones, especially if you live far away from them. You can, however, take some simple steps to ensure their safety as they age.
  • Becoming a family caregiver for an ailing loved one: Full-time caregiving is a significant time commitment. Fortunately, family members who want to serve as caregivers may have options to help cover the expense.
  • What Is ‘respite care’? Can it help with caregiver burnout?: It is easy to burn out when you are responsible for providing full-time care to an aging or disabled loved one. Occasionally arranging for respite care can help.

I hope you find these April 2023 newsletter articles of value. They cover details of the big picture so many of us will deal with as adult children of our parents.

Should you have any comments on the newsletter, or need advice or help with any Elder Law, Estate Planning or Probate issue, please contact our law offices.

Call us at 614-407-7900, send an email to [email protected], or just fill out the contact form on our website, at elderlaw.us/contact.

Richard F. Meyer, Esq.

Click here to download a PDF version of the April 2023 newsletter from our website.

Contact R. F. Meyer & Associates with your legal questions

If you have questions about any Elder Law, Estate Planning or Probate issue, contact R. F. Meyer & Associates for help. Reach our law offices in Worthington by calling 614-407-7900, sending an email to [email protected], or by completing the Contact form on our website at ElderLaw.US/Contact.