Dear Clients and Referral Partners,

A littler earlier this morning, we send out our August 2021 e-newsletter from the law offices of R. F. Meyer & Associates.

If you did not receive it in your email inbox, find a link to the full newsletter in PDF form below.

The articles for August 2021 month cover a variety of topics that should be of interest to our Elder Law clients:

  • Senate Democrats’ proposal for a $3.5 trillion spending plan includes expanding Medicare to provide dental, vision, and hearing benefits. The proposal is now being negotiated in Congress. Currently Medicare does not offer much in the way of dental, vision, and hearing benefits.
  • With the COVID vaccination rate among Ohio’s Medicaid recipients struggling at just 32 percent, system managers have increased an incentive program to pay recipients $100 for getting the shot by Aug. 15.
  • The strange Britney Spears guardianship case is bringing focus on the whole Guardian/Conservator system. In the case of an elderly person who may no longer be able to handle some or all of her own affairs, there are various approaches that provide protection without stripping that person of control over all decisions, as in Spears’ case.
  • How much money can you have and still qualify for Medicaid? With couples that face the admission of one spouse into nursing home care, that remains a complicated question with complex work required to protect the family estate.

I hope you find this month’s articles worth the read. As always, we aim to provide you with information that is both informative and interesting. Please contact us if you need legal help in any of these areas, or with any Elder Law, Estate Planning or Probate issue.


Richard F. Meyer, Esq.

Click to open a PDF of the full August 2021 newsletter

Contact  R. F. Meyer & Associates with your questions regarding Elder Law, Estate Planning or Probate Law. Call us at 614-407-7900, send an email to [email protected], or fill out the Contact Us on our website at ElderLaw.US/Contact.