
Earlier this afternoon, we issued the September 2024 edition of the R. F. Meyer & Associates newsletter. If you did not receive the newsletter by email, please find a link below to access it in PDF form from our website.

The newsletter again this month offers three articles that should be of interest to our Elder Law and Estate Planning clientele.

Topics covered in the September 2024 newsletter detail:

My Social Security transitioning to Login.gov.: Have you setup a “my Social Security” profile to track your tax contributions and retirement benefit options? If you did that before September 2021, you will have to transition to a new “Logon.gov” account to maintain access to that information. Our article details how to do that.

Older drivers are among the safest of all drivers, according to the AAA. But senior driving laws vary widely from state to state across the country, with hurdles in place for older adults to keep driving in many areas. Our story provides an overview of the issue and links to a state-by-state guide.

Battling the Loneliness Epidemic: Failing to maintain and make new meaningful connections as older adults age can lead them toward a deep sense of loneliness. This can affect their mental and physical health. Our article includes specific suggestions of steps to take to stay connected as you age.

We hope you find the September 2024 newsletter topics interesting and the articles a good read, as we strive to keep you up to date with news related to our practice.

Please contact our office if we can be assistance with any matter pertaining to Elder Law, Estate Planning or Probate Law. Call us at 614-407-7900, send an email to [email protected], or just fill out the contact form at elderlaw.us/contact, and we will get right back to you.

Enjoy the rest of your September and look for your next R. F. Meyer & Associates newsletter in October.


Richard F. Meyer, Esq.


Open a PDF of the September 2024 R. F. Meyer & Associates Client Newsletter