Dear Clients and Referral Partners,

Earlier this morning, we issued the February 2023 edition our R. F. Meyer & Associates e-newsletter. If you did not receive it by email, please see the link below to open it as a PDF document. Another month of the newsletter brings another batch of informative articles for you.

The February 2023 articles provide updates and analysis about:

  • Medicaid’s ‘Money follows the person’ program, and how it now is impacting seniors;
  • Highlights of several benefits for older adults included in the recently passed Omnibus Bill, and;
  • Long-term care options: Assisted living vs. nursing homes – What is the difference?

I hope you find our February 2023 newsletter not just informative, but also interesting. Should you have ideas for topics you would like covered in future editions, drop us a line with an email to [email protected].

And when you have questions about any Elder Law, Estate Planning or Probate issue, please contact us for help. Reach our Worthington law offices by calling 614-407-7900, sending email to the same address above, or just filling out the contact form on our website, at

Richard F. Meyer, Esq.

Link to the full February 2023 R. F. Meyer & Associates newsletter in PDF form

We are here to answer your legal questions

If you have questions about any Elder Law, Estate Planning or Probate issue, contact R. F. Meyer & Associates for help. Reach our law offices in Worthington by calling 614-407-7900, sending an email to [email protected], or by completing the Contact form on our website at ElderLaw.US/Contact.