Earlier today, we released our March 2022 R. F. Meyer & Associates newsletter. If you did not receive it by email, please see the below link to open it in full PDF form from our website.

This edition covers a handful of topics that should be of interest to our Elder Law clientele. Articles detail:

  • Due to a new appeals court ruling, patients can now appeal if a hospital says they are under observation status, rather than admitted as an in-patient. Should a nursing home stay follow the hospital stay, the difference can mean thousands of dollars. The new right to appeal is the result of an 11-year-old class-action suit, upheld on appeal in January. Our first article in the March 2022 newsletter covers these new rights.
  • Do you know what documents are needed for a Medicaid application? Applicants must prove they have limited income and assets in order to be eligible for long-term care coverage. The newsletter’s second article details this important information.
  • Tax day this year is just around the corner – on April 19. Our third article in this month’s newsletter will help you get ready for tax time with tips to file all the proper forms and take all deductions you’re entitled to.

We hope you find this month’s articles are interesting and informative. Please let us know if you have any specific story ideas you would like to see covered in future editions, and we will be back in your inboxes with our April newsletter next month.


Richard F. Meyer


Link to the full March 2022 R. F. Meyer & Associates newsletter in PDF form

Should you have questions about any Estate Planning, Elder Law or Probate matter, contact the law offices of R. F. Meyer & Associates for legal help. Reach our Worthington office at 614-407-7900, by sending an email to [email protected], or by simply completing the Contact form on our website at ElderLaw.US/Contact