We’ve just released the May 2019 newsletter from R.F. Meyer & Associates, and it features informative articles on topics we know are important for many of our clients: Medicare, Estate Planning, Medicaid and Social Security.

May 2019The CliffsNotes version:

  • Medicare Beneficiaries Need to Know the Difference Between a Wellness Visit and a Physical: Medicare covers preventative care services, including an annual wellness visit. But confusing a wellness visit with a physical could be very costly.
  • What’s a Health Care Proxy and Why Do I Need One?: If you become incapacitated, who will make your medical decisions? A health care proxy allows you to appoint someone else to act as your agent for medical decisions. It will ensure that your medical treatment instructions are carried out.
  • How to Fight a Nursing Home Discharge: Once a resident is settled in a nursing home, being told to leave can be very traumatic. It is important to know your rights.
  • Maximizing Social Security Survivor’s Benefits: Social Security survivor’s benefits provide a safety net to widows and widowers. But to get the most out of the benefit, you need to know the right time to claim.

Please find a link to the full PDF version of the newsletter below. I think this month’s subjects are especially interesting and the information valuable. We are pleased to bring them to your attention through this newsletter, and hope you find all our communication efforts worth checking out. In addition to the newsletter, we invite you to visit our Facebook page, our Twitter feed or of course this full, information-packed website, ElderLaw.US.

Should your family need legal help in any of the areas, please don’t hesitate to contact our offices. Call us at 614-407-7900, drop an email to [email protected] or just fill out the Contact form on this website at ElderLaw.US/Contact.

Click on the below link to open the full newsletter in PDF form:

May 2019 newsletter from R. F. Meyer & Associates


Richard F. Meyer