Dear clients and referral partners,

This morning, we issued our May 2023 e-newsletter from R. F. Meyer & Associates. If you did not receive it by email, please see the link below to access it in full PDF version from our website.

May 2023 articles

The May 2023 edition, as true spring weather shows up in Central Ohio (at last) presents three interesting articles for our Elder Law clients and families. This month’s topics:

  • Federal legislation for in-home Medicaid care: Sixteen U.S. representatives now are co-sponsoring the Home and Community Based Services Access Act, a bill first introduced in 2021. It seeks to get seniors the help they need, while still living in their own homes, with everyday activities such as dressing, bathing, and eating. This care is generally eligible for Medicaid’s Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS), but unfortunately, hundreds of thousands who apply end up on extended waiting lists with their states. When states favor requiring these applicants to live in a nursing home to get this care, it costs twice as much, the article reports.
  • Study links certain social risks to early death in seniors: Isolation, feeling a lack of control over their finances, and the lack of interaction with children are among the 8 social factors that researchers found linked to earlier death in the elderly. The four-year study of more than 8,000 people found clearly identifiable factors to assess each person’s “Social Frailty Index.” Clinicians may be able to use the index to help their older patients participate in advanced care planning. And the index also may help identify at-risk seniors who can benefit from changes to their social interactions, to extend their lives.
  • A new AARP analysis gives a glimpse into the experiences of family caregivers and offers recommendations on policies and practices that policymakers should enact in support of caregivers nationwide. With more than 30 percent of older adults now living with their children or grandchildren, the effect on the caregivers is not just a physical and emotional issue for them, but a growing economic issue for the country, as well. AARP is advocating changes to help these caregivers, and by doing so, help the loved ones they care for and better equip the nation for this generational shift.

I think these May 2023 newsletter articles provide fascinating looks into some issues currently at play in elder care, and hope you, too, find them interesting and a worthwhile read. We hope they are a nice sidelight to the wonderful spring weather that’s finally arrived in Ohio!

As always, should you need advice or help with any Elder Law, Estate Planning or Probate issue, please don’t hesitate to contact our law offices. We are here to provide expert help.

Reach us by calling 614-407-7900, sending email to [email protected], or by just filling out the contact form on our website, at

Richard F. Meyer, Esq.


Click here to download a PDF version of the May 2023 newsletter from our website.