Our Blog
Welcome to the blog of R. F. Meyer & Associates, where we share company news and informative articles related to our Elder Law, Probate and Estate Planning legal practice.
Medicaid Home Care benefit now allowed in all 50 states
Traditionally, Medicaid has paid for long-term care in a nursing home, but because most individuals would rather be cared for at home and home care is cheaper, all 50 states now have Medicaid programs that offer at least some home care. In some states, even family...
Window Closing for Couples to Use ‘Claim Now Claim More Later’ Social Security Strategy
Spouses who are turning full retirement age this year are the last group who can choose whether to take spousal benefits or to take benefits on their own record. The strategy, used by some couples to maximize their benefits, will not be available to people turning...
February 2019 Newsletter released
Today we released our February 2019 newsletter from R. F. Meyer & Associates. This month's edition features interesting stories on some important topics. They include: This is the last year for a Social Security strategy that's been popular in recent years, where...
The Best and Worst States for Protection Against Elder Abuse
The older the population gets, the greater the potential for elder abuse. States have laws in place designed to combat elder abuse, but some states are doing a better job than others.
Understanding Medicare’s Hospice Benefit
Medicare's hospice benefit is one of the most comprehensive benefits and can be extremely helpful to both the terminally ill individual and his or her family, but it is little understood and underutilized.
January newsletter released
Happy New Year! We’ve just released our January 2019 newsletter from R. F. Meyer & Associates. Please find a link to the full newsletter in PDF form below. Because we’re off to a very interesting year ourselves, the newsletter this month features a couple of...
R. F. Meyer & Associates launches redesigned ElderLaw.US
R. F. Meyer & Associates has released a major redesign of its website, ElderLaw.US. The new ElderLaw.US features a sleek modern design with a new visual emphasis, and extensive online resources for clients. It also offers a friendly landing spot for new clients,...
Meyer named to 2019 Super Lawyers list
Selection recognized in current edition of 'Columbus Monthly' magazine NEWS RELEASE We are pleased to announce that Richard F. Meyer, founder of R. F. Meyer & Associates Attorneys at Law, has been named to the 2019 Ohio Super Lawyers list. This is an exclusive...
IRS Issues Long-Term Care Premium Deductibility Limits for 2019
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is increasing the amount taxpayers can deduct from their 2019 income as a result of buying long-term care insurance. Premiums for "qualified" long-term care insurance policies (see explanation below) are tax deductible to the extent...