The communication below was mailed to Browning & Meyer Clients Nov. 10, 2017. It served as the formal notice that the legal partnership of Browning & Meyer Co., LPA dissolved effective Jan. 1, 2018, with William J. Browning joining the Columbus law firm of Isaac Wiles and Richard F. Meyer continuing with his own firm, to operate as R.F. Meyer & Associates.

Through March 2018, the two longtime partners and friends continue to share office space at 300 W. Wilson Bridge Rd., Suite 250, Worthington, Ohio 43085.

Effective April 2, 2018, Mr. Meyer’s new practice will operate from a new location, still within the same Officescape Corporate Center, at 450 W. Wilson Bridge Rd., Suite 380. R.F. Meyer & Associates practice will retain this website,, and operate with the new phone numbers of 614-407-7900 (main), 614-407-7905 (fax) and 866-883-5337 (toll-free).

Mr. Browning will retain the telephone number of 614-471-0085 and become part of the Isaac Wiles law firm, whose web site can be found at He plans to open new offices within the 300 W. Wilson Bridge Rd. building, and presently continues to operate from Suite 250.

Questions regarding the change can be directed to Mr. Meyer at 614-407-7900 or Mr. Browning at 614-471-0085.


Text of the partnership dissolution letter mailed to clients:

November 10, 2017

Dear (Clients),

On November 1, 2017, the law firm of Browning & Meyer Co., LPA announced that partner and friend, William J. Browning hereinafter referred to as “Bill” has elected to join the prominent Columbus law firm of Isaac, Wiles, Burkholder & Teetor, LLC on January 1, 2018 and that his partner and friend, Richard F. Meyer hereinafter referred to as “Dick” has elected to continue his practice in his own new firm. Because of the logistics in opening two new offices in Worthington, you can continue to use the phone number and the webpage for contact information in the future. 

Bill and Dick performed services for your business, you and/or your family as a partner in the law firm in the past and they will continue to be accessible to you. Yet, the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct requires we notify all clients of the firm changes and request that you elect who will be assigned responsibility to maintain your electronic file, your paper file and/or your original planning documents.  The Rules state that these files are your property, not ours; and therefore, you need to affirmatively elect whether you want Bill, Dick or yourself to take possession of your files. Please check the appropriate box at the end of the letter, pull off the perforated declaration and return it to the office in the envelope provided as soon as possible. If we do not receive an election by you, any closed files will be retained by the attracting attorney. Please make the election within 14 days of receipt of this notice.

All ongoing matters will be completed pursuant to the terms of the existing letter of engagement and the attorney responsible for your ongoing matter will maintain your file at his new firm. As always, after your ongoing matter is complete, you will have the option to engage either Bill or Dick in the future.

In closing, Bill and Dick have practiced together for over twenty (20) years and have been friends for much longer. We both wish each other well and will continue to remain friends and colleagues. 



William J. Browning, Esq.                                           Richard F. Meyer, Esq.