Yesterday, we released the R. F. Meyer & Associates September 2021 e-newsletter. If you did not receive it by email, you can download the full PDF version at the link below.

With Labor Day behind us and fall ahead, this edition addresses planning, in a number of respects.

The September 2021 articles cover:

  • Medicaid’s long-term care benefits are built to go to people living in nursing homes. While it’s now possible, through waivers, to get those benefits while staying in your home, doing so may involve long waitlists.
  • When powers of attorney and other less restrictive measures no longer work, courts will consider appointment of a guardian to make care decisions for a mentally or physically incapacitated person. A guardian can be the ward’s spouse, family member, friend, or a professional guardian.
  • If you are experiencing problems with your nursing home that can’t be resolved within the nursing home, there is an option to plan your next step: Contact the local ombudsman.
  • Recent studies have found that many workers overestimate how much they will receive in Social Security benefits when they retire. Plan your retirement and Social Security benefits with knowledge.

We hope you find this month’s articles informative and interesting.

If you need legal advice regarding these issues or any Elder Law, Estate Planning or Probate matter, contact the law offices of R. F. Meyer & Associates.

Reach us by calling 614-407-7900, sending an email to [email protected], or by completing our Contact form at ElderLaw.US/Contact.


Richard F. Meyer, Esq.

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