Earlier this morning, we released the September 2023 R. F. Meyer & Associates e-newsletter.

Our September 2023 articles cover three big issues for aging seniors and their loved ones: Financial guardianship, home health care, and affordable housing. In more detail:

  • When does someone need financial guardianship? This very individualized decision is faced by many families with aging loved ones.
  • Home health services covered under Medicare Parts A and B are underutilized by seniors, according to a recent study. Although in-home care and support could meet their needs, many homebound older adults do not take full advantage of the services available, the study found.
  • Innovative long-term care housing solutions for seniors: New potential living arrangements for seniors may provide older people with the care, protection, and resources they need to age peacefully, as the U.S. population of seniors over 65 is expected to increase exponentially over the next decade.

These are interesting and informative articles, and we hope you enjoy them and find them worth your time to read. We aim with this newsletter to keep you up to date on ongoing news regarding our practice areas of Elder Law, Estate Planning and Probate Law.

Should you or someone close to you need legal help in these areas, please do not hesitate to contact my expert staff at R. F. Meyer & Associates. Reach us at our Worthington offices by calling 614-407-7900, sending email to [email protected], or by filling out the contact form on our website, at elderlaw.us/contact.


Richard F. Meyer, Esq.

Click here to download a PDF version of the September 2023 newsletter from our website.


Contact R. F. Meyer & Associates with your legal questions

If you have questions about any Elder Law, Estate Planning or Probate issue, including Life Settlements, contact R. F. Meyer & Associates for help. Reach our law offices in Worthington by calling 614-407-7900, by sending an email to [email protected], or by completing the Contact form on our website at ElderLaw.US/Contact.